Blanco Cosmology Survey

BCS Field

The BCS, an NOAO large survey program (2005B-0043), is a 4-band (griz) optical-imaging survey that covers ∼80 deg2 of the southern sky. The survey was designed to reach depths sufficient to detect L⋆ galaxies out to a redshift of z = 1. The survey consists of two fields roughly centered at (RA,DEC) = (23h,-55d) and (5h30m,-53d). Here we present data products from our reduction of this survey including source catalogs, coadded images and weight maps, as well a catalog of 764 galaxy clusters identified in these catalogs at z≤0.75.

Données et ressources

Info additionnelle

Champ Valeur
Producteur Lindsey Bleem
Mainteneur Douglas Rudd